Welcome back, Comets!

Since we last saw you, AMP is excited to announce we attended the College Media Awards convention in Atlanta. We got to meet other college media editors, heard from hugely influential journalists, and learned about many aspects of magazine production. While there, we were given an Honorable Mention in layout design! In other words, among college publications across the country we’re in the top 5 in design. We’re so proud of all the contributors and executive members who made this possible, and we hope to keep improving.

We also have an update on the Spirit Rocks we mentioned just last month. There have been weeks of peaceful debate between different groups on campus, using the rocks as an outlet and a billboard for their messages. But apparently, administration didn’t realize that establishing a public opinion forum meant students would express their opinions, and at some point all this perfectly reasonable back and forth between opinionated young adults just became too controversial. So, without warning or explanation, these landmarks of our school have been completely removed. In their place UTD has planted a few scraggly trees, but that spot just looks sad and empty at the end of the day. We’re very disheartened by this decision, especially since AMP is also a platform for student opinions. We know how important it is to make campus voices heard, and we hope that the removal of one of those opportunities won’t lead to groups acting out in less savory ways to fill the gap. Maybe to administration the Spirit Rocks are just big paint-soaked boulders, but to the student body this is an enormous and unjust loss.