The Official Student Opinion and Satire Magazine of UTD

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The Best (and Worst) of Transformers
9. Transformers: The Last Knight. The fifth film in Michael Bay’s Transformers universe suffers from bland and forgettable new characters and a weak villain whose end goal is the same as a previous villain but with none of the nuance that villain had. Not to mention, the titular knights do very little to justify being […]

AMP Watches
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AMP Watches: No Gods, No Masters
We here at AMP want to foster a sense of gratitude this Thanksgiving season by discussing a couple films about British people overthrowing their futuristic dystopian governments, something that the United States has never done and will never do because we are objectively perfect in every way and nobody is mad about the way things […]

AMP Watches
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AMP Watches: The Gruesome Twosome
The Halloween season rears its ugly head once again, and this year AMP has decided to bring dental destruction to your doorstep in the form of two indie horror-comedy films about teeth in places they shouldn’t be.

The Racial Politics of Trolls World Tour
I wrote off “Trolls World Tour” as another schlocky consumerist sequel that exists only to sell mass-produced toys to children. And that's exactly what it appears to be on the surface... but the film’s surprisingly refreshing take on racial politics may surprise you.

AMP Watches
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AMP Watches: The Eddie Murphy Cinematic Universe
You’ve heard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You’ve perhaps sparingly heard of the DC Cinematic Universe, which has been/is failing miserably. You might even be familiar with the Megaverse, as advertised by Steve Carrell in unveiling the next 100 years of Despicable Me/Minions films and TV productions. However, all of these pale in contrast to the intertextual masterpiece no one asked for: the Eddie Murphy Cinematic Universe. Comets, now is the time to feast your eyes on two timeless cinematic classics that we watched so you don’t have to, featuring Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy, and Eddie Murphy. You’re welcome, and we’re sorry.

Ratford Reviews
This month, Comets sent me their favorite movies to review! I watched each and every one, except for the movies that seemed boring. I have a very refined palette, after all. Priscilla Stop calling Elvis a rat. We don’t claim him. Wonka My niece said Timothée Chalamet “Timothée Chala-slayed”. Personally, I just know there’s a […]

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It’s Okay to Let Things Flop
As we all know, art is a completely objective concept and there’s very little if any discourse around it. You see, art is a way of making money. As a matter of fact, art IS money. If it doesn’t make money, then it’s not art. That’s the reason why no profound artistic work has ever […]

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I Watched Veggietales So You Don’t Have To
The year is 1993. Two guys from the Midwest with big dreams and little to no money conceptualize a brilliant idea: animating a series of short films about talking vegetables that teach children about the Lord. Today we’re lucky enough to bear witness to the adventures of one tomato and one cucumber who remain unrivaled […]

Fact or Fission: The Allure of Oppenheimer
After two years of memes, marketing, and hype, “Oppenheimer,” the newest film from famous director Christopher Nolan, finally released this July. In a manner fitting for a story about nuclear bombs, it proceeded to completely blow up. In a good way. Like, in a “it’s one of the most popular movies of the year and […]