Bethel: Hey Comets! It’s officially the last AMP issue of the school year and my last issue altogether! It’s a bittersweet moment and a heartfelt goodbye to a wonderful chapter as Editor-in-Chief of AMP. I’ve loved being able to be a part of covering such a wide range of topics and I can easily say Student Media and AMP have been one of the best parts of my college experience. I know it’s cool and trendy to trash your university but I’ve always been so happy and grateful to attend UTD. I feel blessed to be at such a diverse school where practically everyone can find a community, get a high-quality education, and relax on a comfortable, safe, and actually beautiful campus. To any underclassmen reading, do that thing that you’ve always wanted to do but you’re slightly scared of doing. I promise you that joining that team, competing in that activity, or starting that club is never going to be something you regret. Worst-case scenario it will be a necessary lesson to learn and best case scenario it can make your college experience one you never forget. Thank you to the entire staff at AMP for a wonderful last year, and thank you to all our contributors and readers!  

Sebyul: I’m sure everyone who knows me is sick of hearing this story, but I’m going to tell it anyway! When Bethel and I took over AMP management in Fall 2021, we had no training, no designers, and no writers. Neither of us knew anything about running a magazine. The first issue we ran had only four articles — Bethel and I each wrote two, and our previous art director illustrated the entire issue (shout-out to Gigi!). Looking back, it’s hard to believe how far this publication has come in just two short years. I still feel giddy every time I see someone reading AMP in public (bringing back horoscopes was the best decision I’ve ever made). I can’t even begin to describe what an impact working here has had on me personally. Everyone likes to joke about how lame UTD is, but I think if you look a little closer, you’ll find that this school is full of wonderful, vibrant communities doing exciting things! I’m just grateful that I got to be a part of one of them. Farewell, AMP! I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Ally: So… this is it. No more working and hanging out in the Student Media office. No more late nights editing articles for the website and random discussions about Tobor. I’m grateful for everyone who I’ve met and thankful that I somehow decided to do journalism again after swearing I would never do so. It’s all because of the readers and the lovely people in Student Media (particularly AMP <3). It’s changed the course of my life for the better. Don’t wait to get involved in anything you’re curious about. College is the time to try things, make mistakes, and somehow figure things out along the way. (This is why we need more college stories in fiction, but I digress.) It was wonderful to be your Web Editor and then making up the Copy Editor role because we needed one. Even though I won’t physically be there anymore, I’m glad of all the things I leave behind like the articles I wrote and the darling Ratford. You guys can keep them and I’ll hold on to the memories I made with everyone! I hope you all enjoyed my writing and my edits. Take care of Ratford for me. I know I’ll be leaving him and AMP in good hands.