Aries: Keep the sunk-cost fallacy in mind this month. Just because you’ve devoted a lot of time and energy to something, doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to let it go.
Taurus: After five long months, Saturn is finally out of retrograde! You’re free! Use this time to take a well-needed rest. The worst is already past.
Gemini: No amount of personality tests will tell you who you really are. It might be more comfortable to let the internet compartmentalize every aspect of your personality into reductive labels, but there’s no substitute for genuine introspection.
Cancer: Be conscious of your responses toward criticism this month. If your first instinct is to blame others (and/or post about it on social media), you should engage in some self-reflection.
Leo: You’re in a state of change, and that’s okay! You don’t have to be 100% sure what the future looks like to look forward to it.
Virgo: You have to stop being such a perfectionist. Overthinking things isn’t going to help you or anyone else. Instead, try getting an outside perspective.
Libra: This is a month for taking risks. Apply for that job! Ask for that rec letter! You are more competent than you realize.
Scorpio: Scorpio season is here! This is your time of year. Your moment. Your thrive era. Just be careful not to get swept away by it all — you’re always a strong presence, but it’ll be even harder not to overshadow others when you’re shining so bright.
Sagittarius: You’re doing great! I’m proud of you. Keep it up.
Capricorn: Sometimes you get so busy, you begin to neglect your relationships. Check in on someone you haven’t talked to in a while!
Aquarius: You should practice more self-care this month. You’re not at your best if you’re pushing the boundaries of the human body.
Pisces: Make sure that you’re respecting people’s boundaries, even if they haven’t been explicitly stated. It never hurts to ask and make sure you’re not crossing any lines.