This month you will be facing changes and challenges, and you may be convinced you don’t have the ability to overcome them because of past experiences. If you keep focusing on the past, you’ll only get in the way of your own ability to manifest. Your future is moving you; don’t let the past hold you back.
Learn to be a more forgiving person. Being able to forgive someone does not mean you are weak or are letting your guard down, it just means you are relieving yourself of the pain that they caused you. Forgiveness is more of a reflection of yourself than anything and it takes strength. Be kind to yourself right now; your love is beautiful and genuine.
Something’s been going on in your life and you’ve been keeping silent about it way too long. No matter how hard you try to brush it off and act fine, it’s still going to keep playing with your thoughts. It’s fine to be vulnerable. Feel free to express your needs and desires. Reach out; the people around you love you and are here for you.
Stop relying on security, Cancereans! A feeling of security is good when it’s available but what really helps with character development is taking risks and opening yourself up to better opportunities. The only security you really need is a strong support system.
Leos, welcome back to reality! Your trip was short lived, but you had fun and enjoyed your stay. Most importantly, you learned. Let this lesson be a part of you now. Let it stick to you like candy, which helps keep your life sweet.
You’re planting seeds for your future growth, go Virgo queen/king/monarch! You have ideas and projects compiled after some deep thinking, and now you have the energy to manifest them and bring them to fruition. Don’t be scared — the future is what you’ve longed for.
Your life has slowed down a bit the past couple of months, and you’ve had a relatively calm time since then. On the upside, it is peaceful, but on the downside, you feel distant from who you used to be as a person and what you held as your truths. But that’s OK, what’s in the past is past. Accept your new, tranquil state.
You have always been a strong believer in faith, including the fact that everything happens for a reason. You are walking away from a toxic situation because you’ve finally admitted to yourself that whatever it was, it wasn’t for you. You are done being sad about it. You are finally at peace. Congrats, you’ve finally made it to a place you never saw yourself before.
You are a dreamer at heart, and that’s what makes you so unique. But it seems these dreams are becoming distractions, and they are getting in the way of information that you have readily accessible to you. Pause for a minute. Remember why you do what you do, and it’ll help you become more grounded. Ideas and dreams turn into reality with discipline and perseverance.
It feels like after months of suffering, everything is finally starting to fall into place, and you will be having an important conversation soon. Your plans are steady, everything is going as it should be, but don’t forget to make space for something unexpected to happen. Let life surprise you.
It is time for you to be honest and upfront with your intentions. You haven’t been the best friend to the people around you, and that isn’t fair because they are always there to pick you up when you need them. Things are starting to come to light, and it is not going to put you in a good place.
You are about to do something the right way. Even if it leads to heartbreak or hardships, it is ultimately the right thing to do and you revel in that. It will all be worth it. You are radiating happiness and healing, and you should embrace it!

Muthuveera Maraimalai (junior | atec)
Just an earthy gal. Capricorn sun, Cancer moon, and Capricorn rising.